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Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Father and Son

Today we looked at a DVD called Rain. In the DVD a father and his baby go on a walk to a river through a woods. When the father looked up at the sky he saw clouds so he started walking back the way they had come and then all of a sudden it started to rain and thunder and lighting appeared. The baby started to cry because he was scared of all the thunder and lighting. When the father heard the baby crying he took the baby off his back and kneeled on the floor and picked him up. He then started walking again and the father keep on whispering in the baby ear (i love you).

What I thought it meant is that the father was representing God and the baby was representing us for example poeple. So when the father is holding the baby it means God is holding us when we are going though rough times. God is with us in all the hard times of life and he can help us to get through them. He wants us to hear him saying he loves us and he knows the way home, like the father in the clip.

If you want to see the video clip check out this website. It is excellent and well worth taking the 10 minutes to watch.


  1. Wow I think I may have seen that clip sometime, its really good!!!! Its so good to know that we do have a father who looks after us n knows what he is doin, how amazin is that????
    Do you think that I should watch the clip again some time???

  2. Hi, I've seen this video clip more than once and it makes me cry when I see it! It is certainly great to know that we have a heavenly Father who loves us and knows the way home - it's often what we need to hear when life is tough. Keep on blogging - it's fab!
